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About Subscriptions

Another way of lay-buying your contact lenses.

Create a subscription and set your recurring order date to receive your contact lenses at your nearest collection point. You simply set it and forget it, and we’ll send you helpful reminders to update your prescription every 6 months and inform you about any changes to your subscription.

You will also be able to update or edit your recurring order. Join the club today and save 10% on all of your future orders via your active subscription. Contact Lens Club has a monthly payment plan so that you don’t have to fork out a large sum of money when you need your lenses. Fast and reliable convenience right at your fingertips!

Save 10% on all
future orders

collection points

are in control

Subscription Sliver

Let's Talk About It

Contact Lens Club strives to make your life a little easier by providing a fast and efficient service. If you have any other questions, please get in touch with us and we’ll get right back to you!

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Subscription Content

Easy 5 Step Process

1. Select your contact lenses from our shop and add it to your cart.

2. Create a subscription by clicking on “Add to subscription”.

3. Select your recurring order dates.

4. Add your delivery address (this can be updated at any time).

5. Sit back and automatically receive your contacts directly delivered to your most conveniently located Spec-Savers or Execuspecs branch.

Subscription T's and C's

Important points to note:

  • Our subscription plan is recurring, meaning that at the end of every payment period a new payment period/cycle will commence.
  • Instalments, in respect of your payment cycle/period, is deducted via your bank account as a monthly debit order.
  • A contact lens prescription is only valid for 12 months. If your prescription has changed, you do have the option to add and/or remove products from your subscription upon successful debit order of your second-last instalment. Please make the necessary adjustments 25 days before the final instalment is due.
  • Your lenses are processed upon successful receipt of your last instalment. Please note that standard turnaround times do apply.

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